One Manhattan West Interior Animation Package
This may be our most memorable project ever – the animation package that now decorates NHL's new headquarters in Hudson Yards. This extensive set of loops, transitions, and templates was commissioned just prior to the 2020 lockdown. Luckily, we were able to see the newly installed video wall hours before the building shut down – for months.
Our only way of testing was to composite our animation into photos of the space, which at the time we visited was still full of scaffolding. We used these mockups to match the angle of the staircase with the graphical elements and get a sense of scale, speed and timing. As return to office was delayed further and further out, this design direction was adapted for NHL’s "Return to Play" in the summer of 2020, before it finally premiered in its intended space. Along with the vertical video wall shown here, this package dresses up daily content on over 100 HD monitors around the space. On a recent visit to the building, our Creative Director got this really special surprise welcome. With big thanks to our friends at the NHL who gave her – and UC – the shoutout of a lifetime 😃